Darcey & Stacey: Here we go again, episde ?!?

Stacey is still reeling from the scandalous Florian videos, and decides to confront him about what she saw. Florian looked lifeless as ever, sitting in his red Adidas tracksuit, with his usual two word answers. He didn’t really give Stacey much to work with in the ways of an explanation of the videos, but somehow the two seemed to have made up. (It must be all of that inner strength and “girl power”)
Next Darcey brought her new pet Georgi to “Show and Tell” lunch with her girlfriends, Reina and Debbie. Darcey decided to wear a “barely there” pleather off the shoulder dress, and put her Georgi doll in a matching black outfit. The girlfriends were all loving the look, as well as Georgi’s looks in general, commented on him like he wasn’t even standing right there.
Darcey wasted no time in bringing up the uncomfortable pending divorce issue in front of her girlfriends and how it was “hurtful to hear”, though they were going to get through this as soon as the courts opened up. The two friends questioned Georgi’s true intentions, and wondered if the reason his divorce wasn’t finalized was possibly that his wife didn’t want one, to which Georgi replied “Who would want to leave me?”. I mean, with hair like that…..

Stacey and Florian came waltzing in, hand in hand as if nothing had happened. Stacey flashed her ring and flaunted her new MRS. Florian status (though you can make all gifts out to “Mr & Mrs. Night of the Living Dead. The bank will definitely cash it). 
Since Stacey never got to have her dream wedding and do all of the traditional things like tossing the bouquet, they thought it would be fun to have a “broccoli toss” at the restaurant, since there seemed to be a chunk of it laying conveniently on the table. Of course Darcey had to be the one to catch the magical prophetic broccoli florets and then proceed to eat it “Lady and the Tramp” style with Georgi, which was the sexiest thing on television. Florian sat there, slightly wiping his nose, but deep down he was having a great time.
Darcey, who luckily didn’t seem to have any broccoli in her veneers, decided to yet again bring up the subject of Florian’s sexytime video with the mysterious Albanian woman. Florian got super defensive as the drunken BFF’s asked him questions, even telling them to “shut the f*ck up”. Stacey tried to defend him and sweep everything under the rug in order to maintain her “strong woman” status. It got so heated that Stacey and Florian left the table to talk privately. Flo decides it’s time to confess to his strong wife that he actually did kiss the girl in the video, but it would never happen again, understand?!
Stacey starts to get all weepy, before remembering her own strength (her super power of denial) and they together are a strong couple. She wants to play it off like everything is cool as they head back to their hot seats at the table. Upon their return, Florian says the only coherent thing he’s said so far, which is something to the effect of “please no talk about this subject, it hurts me and my wife, we dealing with it”. “
The following day, Darcey and Georgi are coordinating their dress down looks for Georgi’s big “meet the family” BBQ at the Silva estate. There must have been a cold chill in the apartment, as Darcey’s headlights were fully on in her little one strapped tank top while she asked Georgi if she could be his hairstylist for the occasion. Georgi came in with the jokes, saying that he and Darcey should get hair extensions together, while Darcey stared a little too intensely at his flowing mane, probably thinking about using it to make her own extensions so the one she has left won’t be lonely anymore.

It’s the day of the joint birthday family BBQ (Mama Silva’s 70th and Florian’s 29th day of being brought back to life by a mad scientist and a bolt of lightning). The BBQ seemed to be going well, with the family seemingly liking Georgi and being congratulatory for Stacey and Florian’s surprise nuptials. Darcey of course had to tell her father about Georgi’s marriage status, because, why not?! That’s not awkward at all….
Papa Silva takes Georgi aside in this very “Godfather”-like scene, where he talks to him privately, telling him to handle his divorce, or his daughter will have to make a decision to be an independent strong woman again. Georgi is feeling certain about Darcey, especially since meeting the family, and decides to take their relationship to the next level. He actually bought a ring and plans on proposing to Darcey when the time is right. Though it seems like Darcey’s broccoli toss is about to come to fruition, the previews for next week look pretty bleak, as it appears that Georgi could be hiding a secret baby??
Well thanks a lot, TLC, I’ve been hooked into yet another episode and loss of brain cells….Until next week.

Erica Shmerica
A Strong Woman

1 thoughts on “Darcey & Stacey: Here we go again, episde ?!?

  1. Charles says:

    You are so brave for watching this show till the End. Thank goodness I fell asleep and you did the dirty work for me!!
    Love ya!!

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