The Other Way, S2 EP5

Deavan & Jihoon:

The tiny yellow school bus pulled down a teeny weeny street in a ghetto area of Korea, making its final stop at Deavan and Jihoon’s new apartment. Elicia, Deavan’s mom, is overtired from her flight and furious upon seeing her daughter’s new neighborhood. They all go inside the apartment only to realize it’s so “snug”, they may not be able to fit their luggage.
Ultimately, the blame comes down on Jihoon, who was too busy being “tile” and frolicking around with his purse poodle to go over to the apartment ahead of time and make sure it was a decent place to bring his family. Elicia scolds Jihoon before wandering into the apartment and face planting into the bed. Deavan had her turn yelling at Jihoon through a translator app, to which he told her “don’t grumpy stop”. She basically decided she’s “K-done” and ready to head home with her potty-mouthed mom a.s.a.p.

Kenneth & Armando:
Kenny and Truffles are touring the the journey to Mexico continues.
Meanwhile, we see Armando and Hannah packing for their move, and Hannah steals the show by saying she’s excited to have “dos papas” (she meant Dads, not potatoes). Armando is heading to the apartment first to “get things set up” (aka, have alone time with Papa Kenny, but who could blame him? ) before Hannah will be joining.
It seems as though Armando’s dad is having a hard time adjusting to his son’s new life, but hopefully we will see him doing face masks with Kenny by the end of the season.

Ariela & Biddy biddy yum yum:
Ariela and her mom have completed their voyage to Ethiopia and finally meet up with BBB, who is waiting for them with flowers as we watch them have a lukewarm reunion. It seems to just be hitting Ariela that she moved to Ethiopia 7 months pregnant to be with a guy she doesn’t really know, who has now cut off all of his dreads (the initial reason she was even attracted to him) and lost his abs (probably a close second reason). She has a momentary freak out as she came to this realization, though she smiled awkwardly the entire time. After dropping mom off at the Ethiopia Holiday Inn, Ariela went back with BBB to check out their new home sweet home. Their new house was like a rave from the 90’s….you have to enter by walking through a pile of tires and into the door of a broken washing machine. Once inside, there was some dingy second hand furniture and a few crosses neatly hung by the bed (perfect for welcoming the Jewish girl from New Jersey) and the bathroom had no toilet seat, though many pairs of fancy looking sneakers. Ariela complained that she hated the drab colors (though seemingly fine with the grand entrance), and smiled with her clenched teeth while listing her grievances. BBB feels bad that he failed mission number one: Find a place to live with a toilet seat, as everyone knows pregnant women can’t hover; It’s gravitationally impossible. It should be interesting to watch them play “Love it or List It: Ethiopia”. (I’m sure Hillary could have made a nursery AND play room out of that “SAW” bathroom, while David would have suggested moving…)

Cheesedip & Melyza:
Cheezy’s mom arrives in Texas to help him pack for the big move to Columbia (which he pronounced with the same accent and enthusiasm as “Undrrrei”. Please stop, I can’t deal with two of you this season with the fake accents….). 
Tim-cheezy is still feeling horribly guilty about cheating on his girlfriend, but he feels this move will solidify his commitment to his relationship. Timcheddar’s mom helped him pack and also expressed her concern for her son to give up everything (you know, like his remote position at work that he won’t be giving up) and hoping that Myleza doesn’t want him down there just to torture him about the past. 
Lastly we see Cheeseballs go to his therapist. (Nothing against therapy at all, but I feel like maybe he hears voices…) to discuss his guilt of cheating and things he needs for the relationship to work for him. The therapist doesn’t seem too positive about his relationship working out, but she gets paid by the hour so she’s here to help. I am underwhelmed by Cheesedip thus far. 

Jenny & Stewmeat:
These two were actually so quick and boring I didn’t remember if they were even on this week!
We see Jenny apologize for not “putting out” on her first night in town as she was too tired, and even the smell of the spiritual cow poop in the hallway couldn’t get her to rally. The couple went to a park where Jenny confronted Suuuuemeee about the timeline and evidence of his divorce. Sioux-me tried to make up a new excuse as to why this whole process would take a long time, and Jenny seems skeptical. Can’t wait to see how they will make this story more interesting since we’ve already seen that pretty cow pooping on the doorstep. Perhaps a sickly rat?  (quick, cue the rat!)

6 thoughts on “The Other Way, S2 EP5

  1. Kelly says:

    TLC is rat-repurposing on this episode of Love it, or List it India! Haha I wonder what they can do with live action cow furniture? Lol!!
    Great writing as always!
    Your #2 Fan…bc you know I’ll always love your shit! 😘

  2. Angela Collins says:

    Love your updates. Since I recently joined your blog but follow you on Facebook so I had to read every blog. I look forward to your 90 day fiance blogs.

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