90 Day The Other Way, S4 Ep 4

Brittany & Yazan:

We resumed from last week, where Yazan was cursing Brittany’s existence for smuggling hooch from the duty free shop and hugging a crew member. For some reason, Brittany got into the car with raging Yazan, and every time she tried to speak, he gave her the Jordanian version of Dr. Evil’s “Zip it.” scene, with the little hand gestures, screaming “Enough!! Enough!!” .
Now if THAT wasn’t an exciting airport pick up experience, I don’t know what is!
Personally if I was Brittany, I would have pulled a Pol and exited the vehicle at the next traffic light, but for some reason she stayed silent and rode all the way to the hotel, where Yazan refused to help with her luggage. He then left her at the hotel, alone, to sit and drink her contraband and hopefully book a plane ticket home. I’m excited to hear how this experience comes to life in a rap song.  

Deavan & Jihoon:

While mid flight, next to her sleeping mom and kids, Deavan sits wide awake, stressed and wearing her giant glasses with her extensions showing, explaining how she is nervous about how this trip will go. She claims to be giving up the comfortable life she has “worked so hard for”, as an instagram model. 
Meanwhile in Korea, it’s the day of Deavan’s arrival and Jihoon decided it was the perfect time to pack for his move to the apartment she is paying for. His parents even throw shade asking why Deavan was the one to get the apartment, to which he just stood there staring blankly (possibly still pretending to be “tile”)… 
Apparently Jihoon’s mom isn’t crazy about her new pseudo daughter in law, though at this rate I’m not sure how many other ladies out there dig the whole “I’m in the my 30s, living with my parents and have a poodle in my purse” thing her son has going on; Deavan is his last hope. 
Jihoon brought his parents to the airport, against Deavan’s wishes, as she knew her mother would be exhausted and ornery from the long flight. Deavan’s mom greeted her new in-laws by letting them know she’s slimy and nasty, right before bringing them in for a bear hug with each parent nestled individually in a gamey armpit. The whole crew loaded into a tiny yellow bus ( where Jihoons mom was wearing special driving gloves to impress the crowd) for the long drive to the new apartment with Deavan’s mom dropping F bombs the entire way. After driving down many tiny, narrow roads, they finally reached the ramshackled apartment that Deavan picked off of Korean Craig’s List, and Mother Deavan was not thrilled, to say the least. Can’t wait to see her lay the smack down next week, as she already slightly seems like she would’ve fit in on “Hogan Knows Best” (I hope she calls Jihoon a “jabroni”)

Tim & Meyleza:

Well it looks like we have a new couple added to the roster… Welcome Tim and Meyleza. 
Tim, better known in his childhood days as “Cheesestick”, yes he did admit that on national television, is a goofy guy from Texas with a cat that he walks in a harness (now everyone needs a pet to “tote”). He met his Columbian girlfriend Meyleza while she was in the U.S. working as an au pair. It seems there was trouble in paradise as Cheesestick double dipped on Myleza with a female coworker. Given his infidelity, she refuses to move to the U.S. and so he is relocating to Columbia to prove his love and start his new life as “Palito de Queso”. We saw Tim hanging out at an axe throwing bar with his friends (another double dip from Kalani/Asuelu’s date night), and he tells them about his move and his infidelity, which infuriated his female friends. Not sure if this storyline will be more interesting than an actual basket of mozzarella sticks, which are delicious. 

Kenneth & Armando:

It’s finally moving day, and Kenneth is getting ready to gather up all of his skin care products and his cute dog, Truffles, to set out on the four day drive to Mexico to be with Armando (we finally caught a glimpse of Kenneth’s magical anti aging elixirs but I need to know more…does he use the blood of virgins?? Did Tania mix him a vampire potion from her witch doctor training?!)
He has a heart wrenching goodbye with his 4 kids and adorable grandson, Cooper, and everyone was in tears….you, me, the kids, Kenneth, Truffles….just everyone, okay?? Cant wait to finally see the new power couple together south of the border. 

Ariela & Bbb

Very pregnant Ariela is flying to Ethiopia with her mom, on their way to meet Baby daddy, Baby (well that’s confusing isnt it?!)
Finally the time as come to meet BBB (Biniyum) who earned his nickname “baby” by being the youngest child in his family. , We learned that he is a man of many talents….he’s a dancer, choreographer,  MMA fighter, personal trainer, and like….anything else you can do that requires a lot of abs. Of course to top it all off, hes also an aspiring singer (because now we have to have an aspiring autotuned singer in every season apparently…). We see B3 recording his new hit “dancey dancey baby cool” with his friends in the studio, who segue into talking about his upcoming reunion with Ariela. He explains that he plans to propose when she arrives, though his friends are worried, since he was previously married to an American woman who he has a son with. But she defected with the baby, which was not dancey-cool. I’malready bracing myself for the terrifying birth scene TLC will be bringing to us soon…

1 thoughts on “90 Day The Other Way, S4 Ep 4

  1. Peggy says:

    Too funny! Love the reference to Dr. Evil’s zip it scenes! Your recaps make me laugh out loud. Thank you!😄

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