Sister Wives, 2020 New Season

New episode 1& 2 and 10 years of my life wasted……

I’ve been watching Sister Wives since the beginning for one reason and one reason only; “Big Love” was one of my FAVORITE shows of all time. I loved Bill, Barb, Margene (never Nikki….I actually have a really funny personal story on that if anyone cares to hear😂). Sister Wives started at the tail end of Big Love, and totally rode it’s coat tails. From the similar intro, to the similar storyline (3 wives, courting a 4th, first wife couldn’t have more kids, etc). But one major problem with Sister Wives- nothing really happens. (There’s no real life Roman Grant). Sometimes they move, they’re always in debt…there are kids running around all over…some of them get married and now they’re even having grandchildren. I find it to be a good zone-out show to put on while I do other things (kind of like the Duggars).
In Sunday’s episode, (aka 90 Day Interruption), they took a wall down memory lane to rehash their “love” story and how they came to be as a family, for anyone new to the show. In my humble opinion, Kody currently looks better than he has in the past. The beard is a better look for him, though his effortless looking scrunch-and-go-curls that probably take him a half hour to do are still pretty bad. It really beats the oddly sculpted facial hair a season or 2 ago, and the man bun.
Anyway, the only new thing to happen, was that they moved to Flagstaff without selling any of their houses in Las Vegas, and they jumped in a mud pit. Is there anything else I’m missing?!
Then at some point, Meri was allegedly kicked out of her enormous rental house for being a polygamist. I’m skeptical that was the reason, and would almost bet that her neighbors didn’t like the production crew around or something to that effect.
The second episode from this past Sunday was slightly more interesting, because Meri rented a new giant house with an elevator for ya know, one person. There are 17 kids, 3 other wives, Robyn’s over here worrying if her meat is going to go bad in her spare refrigerator…but don’t worry, Meri. You enjoy your giant private house for one.
The previews for next week hint at more counseling for Meri and Kody, which seems pointless. And if someone brings up the catfish story again…….I cant with that! 😂 Especially since she expected everyone to be understanding of what she was going through when her potential affair-turned catfish went South. Meri should just move on and see the family for the holidays.

2 thoughts on “Sister Wives, 2020 New Season

  1. Dorothy Baldwin says:

    I actually feel Meri got a bad deal all around ! The other wives treat her like she has the plague! I think her attempt at the “catfish” fiasco was her way of trying to get out from under her situation with Kody. She was looking for a way out however , it backfired. And yes, let dead dogs lie!

    Now on a happier note, she has a booming Lularoe business, and I joined her group out of curiosity. She has live feeds several times a day selling her Lularoe line. I saw an entirely different Meri!! She is upbeat, friendly, funny, carries on a conversation with her followers and looks great! She has a whole new personality in this environment! I happen to like Meri and wish she would get the hell out of Dodge and be her own person, She is smart and intelligent and is building a successful name for herself. She doesn’t need the self-serving people she is surrounded by on that show any longer! 🙂

  2. Marg Gilbert says:

    Erica so glad you are reviewing this show too! I’ve been watching since day one waiting for something to actually happen. But you are right – it makes for good background noise while doing something else, but I still can’t stop watching. Keep blogging my friend!!

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