The Other Way; S2, EP6

Brittany & Yazan:

It’s the morning after the airport fiasco and Yazan came to Brittany’s hotel with 3 fake looking yellow flowers from the dollar store to ask for forgiveness. She seems to be willing to move forward, as long as he keeps his jealousy in check, though she’s not understanding that he is like this because he is “man Arabic”. The romantic day-date activity he has planned is to take a trip over to his parents’ house, and even brought Brittany an outfit for the occasion. 

The car ride to Family Yazan’s house didn’t go too well (seems like these two always have issues when riding in a car together). Yazan was rude and basically told Brittany she needed to get on board with his religion and family’s way of life, which Brittany agreed to respect, but she isn’t interested in covering up her $900 wig on a daily basis (she has a good point, if you bought it, flaunt it). An angry conversation ensues with Brittany telling Yazan he should just marry one of his cousins, (though he probably already tried but his brother was way better looking, and probably snagged all of the cute cousins). Brittany agrees to suit up in the hijab out of respect for his parents, but after that, it’s 100% categorically done and dusted.

They arrived at his parents’ house and seemed to be greeted warmly, with mother Yazan telling Brittany she was so beautiful and much prettier than his cousins. Things were going alright for a minute there, until his parents started to really get into questions about the wedding details. They didn’t feel it was necessary for Brittany’s dad to be at his daughter’s wedding, as they’re her family now (which I read in the Captain Philips “I’m the captain now” voice…). They also felt it was necessary for Brittany to get off of social media so people wouldn’t think she was a prostitute, which luckily was lost in translation on Brittany. Yazan’s mother was screaming, which seemed to freak Brittany out, and she hauled her $900 concealed wig out of there in tears. She may be able to use this situation as the inspiration for her next rap song, “Mo’ Yazan, Mo’ problems”. She needs to go home where she can let her fancy hair flow and wear all of the neon spandex from Fashion Nova her heart desires.

Ariela & BBB:

It’s time to show Mama Ariela the crappy house that her daughter already had the privilege of spending the night in. Her mother was not impressed, to say the least, as she imagined her daughter would be living in the lap of luxury in Ethiopia….or at least have a toilet seat for her third trimester hemorrhoids.. BBB felt confident that his baby mama and future baby grandmama would be super impressed with what was behind door number 2, which was a 2 bedroom apartment he was renovating. Unfortunately, they hated that even more than the pile of tires house (unless that was his plan all along… to make the first place look better by showing them something even worse). Ariela was really hoping for a door number 3, which her mom suggested should be near the hospital, in case she should see a rat (which was imported from Philippines, and then Nigeria) in the “Saw” bathroom and go into early labor. It will be interesting to see which option she picks to bring home a new baby, but I’m not sure if she can breastfeed if there’s no pool……

Kenny & Armando:

OK…. LOVE the idea of them together, but can they actually be together already?? This is episode 6 and Kenny is still driving to Mexico, which only took 4 days in real life. 

ANYWAY, we got to see the apartment that Armando picked for the couple to live in, presuming they get together anytime soon. Then we watched Armando craft a homemade welcome gift for Kenny, which was super thoughtful, and he even repurposed those adorable flags that come stuck in a burrito when you order takeout. That’s going right on the fridge! 

We finally saw Kenneth dancing it up in the car to some house music as he and Truffles finally crossed into Mexico. Hopefully they meet next week, and we don’t have to watch a full episode of Kenneth stopping for gas, or Armando brushing his teeth while waiting for Kenneth’s arrival.

Deavan & Jihoon:

Jihoon came over to Deavan’s crappy apartment to have a talk with her since they had fought the night before. He had tried to explain that he always worked part time as not to disturb his nap schedule, because he’s basically Korean Garfield, and he didn’t realize that was going to be a problem. He had paid off his debt from getting busted from his days of working in the underground stolen cell phone market, and was trying to have his mom save his money in a piggy bank so he didn’t blow it on stupid things, like outfits for his poodle. 

Deavan seemed to finally realize just how much she gave up to be with Jihoon and that he may never be the provider she is looking for. While complaining that she has no money, she decides to pay for a hotel room instead of just staying in the paid up Airbnb. Deavan claims to be done with Jihoon for good, but we’re only half way through this season, so I doubt it. 

Jenny & Suemee/Sumit/Sioux mee:

The couple met up with Suemee’s friend to go on some type of ghetto rigged paddle boat in poop water and discuss how long it takes to get divorced in India. Nothing to see here, folks, that’s really all that happened! Jenny complained that she needs to see the paperwork for the divorce so she’ll believe Summitt, since he has a pretty bad history of lying (though, I’d imagine the paperwork would be in Hindi, and he could pretty much show her a take out menu and tell her it was the divorce papers…). Apparently it can take years for the paperwork to go through for a divorce in India, so expect to hear about that for 20 minutes next week,…and not much else.

Unnoticeably missing was Cheesestick, who was trying to walk his cat on a harness for attention and crying about where he put his mozzarella stick

1 thoughts on “The Other Way; S2, EP6

  1. MaryAnn Prima says:

    I missed your usual, you made me lol..I’m happy to see you have your own address now!!!😉

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