Jenny & Smee:
Back at the filthy house, Sumpump was giving himself a big, voluminous blowout with a round brush in preparation for reentering the workforce. He and Jenny discussed his new work schedule, which she seemed very unhappy about. She was unsure what she should be doing if Stewmeat was gone 6-7 days a week, being that she hadn’t fully acclimated to life inIndia in the 3 years or so that she’s lived there. Smee suggested that a good start would be to venture out alone for a change, suggesting that she should start with a trip to the market. Upon his recommendation, she headed out to the open market where her first stop was at a vegetable table. An over zealous veggie saleswoman aggressively screamed some high price at everything she looked at, demanding that Jenny give her business (And I’m thinking she may have been related to Mother Smee… she didn’t comment on her fat arms, though). Jenny walked away from the vegetable inflation and went on to a nice man who sold her a few things before she seemed overwhelmed and decided to go home.
Sumee and his big hair headed over to meet up with his friend and sous chef, Rohit, in the kitchen where they planned to start their business venture. The two plaid checked aproned buddies seemed excited to start a food delivery company, though Rohit wanted Stumpseat to commit to giving this business his all. He mentioned Sumitch having previously ditched their endeavors to have Jenny break his belly button, and let him know if he wants to be a partner this time around, he needs to blow off the old battle-axe. Stupee did mention Jenny’s idea of the two heading off to America, though he felt there was no way he could be that far away from dear sweet mom and dad, despite the fact he’s currently uninvited to their funerals. He also brought up the idea of having a child to please his family, conveniently leaving Jenny out of any “toting” conversation (and if I have to watch Jenny have a pointless gynecological visit to see about her eggs, I’m Mother Debbie Done).
Back in the filthy kitchen, Summit arrived home from his first day back to the office to see Jenny’s offerings from her big day at the market. He was confused by her choice of peppers, which she mentioned he could “stick somewhere” (guess they didn’t show that portion of the Kama Sutra class, thankfully…). Jenny figured she’d whip up some boiled potatoes for the evening’s menu, but Sumee luckily had brought home his own culinary delight. While enjoying their burrito-like morsels, Smitt dropped the bomb that Rohit was requesting his help 7 days a week. Of course Jenny had a problem with that, making it known that she refused to be alone all day everyday, especially since she knows he will not only be working, but also drinking and socializing on the clock. Sumee tried to reassure her that there would be plenty of things to do (ya know, like yelling back at the vegetable lady and not vacuuming…..), and somehow decided not to even bring up the potential baby storyline just yet. Do they have Mahjongg or Shuffleboard in India? Needlepoint? A rousing game of Bingo? Jenny is going to need a hobby, and cleaning ain’t it.

Big Ed & Regular Size Liz:
After last week’s continued ridiculous fight, the two idiots made up. That’s it. That’s the recap.
They are taking the marriage factor off the table for the meantime in order to avoid becoming divorcees once again, though it would be a wonder if they ever managed to make it down an aisle… maybe in Vespa.
They decided to try going to therapy together to attempt to reconnect and rebuild their ridiculous relationship. The therapist treated the two appropriately like they were toddlers, providing them with “blankies” and speaking slowly. While crying in her blankie, Liz mentioned that she wanted to return to full time work, as she wants to be more financially independent. Apparently her previous relationship ended very badly, that she ended up living in her car and giving up temporary custody of her daughter to her ex husband. The therapist turned her attention to Ed, who explained his fears of Liz becoming more independent and his neediness coming off as controlling. The therapist was tough on the Mucinex blob, who hopefully won’t leave a stain on her couch.

Meanwhile, back in Prague…
Yara took baby mini-Jovi to meet up with her Mama and walk around the city. She seemed happy to be amongst the European people once again, making sure to mention Europe’s superior coffee, and atmosphere multiple times. Mother Yara expressed interest in becoming Yara’s full-time nanny (something Mama Gween was not about to do), and decided to take her daughter to check out a local apartment with the hopes that she would move back with the baby for a period of time. Yara claims that she does love her inferior swamp life in America, despite her constant stream of complaints, but was feeling more in her element being home in Europe.
At her mother’s advice, she agreed to look at apartments, thinking it might be a good idea to have a home base when her family would be escaping from Ukraine in the near future.
The next morning, Jovi woke up to have room service in his bathrobe, as Yara brought up the apartment-hunting session. Jovi seemed blindsided and confused by his wife’s idea of renting an apartment in Prague, and didn’t seem to want to spend his “3 weeks off” there. Yara plead her case, saying she has her own money and can work from anywhere, asserting herself as a successful business woman. Jovi laid down the law that they needed to make big decisions together, especially when it came to something as big as where they would be living, and he insisted on coming to look at apartments with her. He closed the conversation by taking the hotel champagne in the shower with him, as he strutted away in his terrycloth bathrobe like some kind of swampy Hugh Hefner.

Kimbally & International LocalTalent Sojaboy:
The Supastar somehow avoided the paparazzi as he bought a piece of sugar cane off some guy on the side of the road, and proceeded to bite into it, letting pieces fall from his mouth as he checked his text messages (It’s basically the equivalent of seeing a celebrity in the States without makeup on). He was joined by Kimbally (who declined the sugar cane treat), and asked for a sit down to discuss their most recent fight. Usman did not appreciate the way that Kimbally had threatened to break things off if he tried to make her second place, and claimed she will never let another man take advantage of her (Not sure that one is going to age well). Usman agreed to chalk the situation up to a misunderstanding and proceed with trying to butter up his family to possibly accept Kimbally as their BGL part deux.
The couple headed back to meet Sojamom and brother Faruq for a second chance at a blessing (hopefully Kim left her beef-bribe at home and brought something simple like a cheesecake). With only a few days left in Soak-A-Toe, Kim felt like the balance of the ridiculous relationship was dependent on the meeting.
They met this time on neutral territory at a restaurant, as Faruk and Sojamom sat down to get the show on the road. Kim and Usman were kind of hoping Soja-brutha Mohammit (who’s most likely “A User”), would have been the one to escort dear old mom, as he seemed to be the pushover out of the two elder siblings, but no such luck- they seemed to be Furuqued.
Kim started the conversation by telling a little bit about herself, including showing off pictures of her handsome son, Jamal, which would likely win most people over. Sojamom was impressed by the photo, and the fact that Kimbally was a combat veteran, and even acknowledged that she seems to be very different from the OG, BGL. Faruk also softened after learning more Kimbally fun-facts, but in the end, it all came down to “totability”. Sojamom claimed to have a fertile Myrtle lined up back at the compound waiting to procreate with Siojaboy at a moment’s notice (and bonus, they may even be related!). She seems to be standing firm that Kimbally can stick around to be second, while Usman first marries a younger woman for the sole purpose of Sojababies. After delivering their final decision, Faruq and Sojamom walked off for a second time, leaving the couple to figure out what to do next. Usman entertained the idea of going to meet his 4th cousin twice removed to see if they were possibly compatible, so he could hurry up and get married, and then make Kim wife #2. Kimbally was obviously furious, with her lips pursed tightly, as she angrily drank from her water bottle, and threatened to walk off for the 100th time. Can’t wait to see her crying in a parking lot next week!

Elizabeth & Undrrrrrei:
The family of three were headed out to the doctor after recently discovering they will soon become a family of four. Even though the timing with the pending immigration issues isn’t ideal, the couple still seemed very excited for their new addition. Libby was hoping for a baby boy, as a mini version of Undrrrrei is all the world needs. No one could ever finish their fots, ever.
Little Ellie (Of “Ellie’s World” YouTube fame) was excited to see the baby blob on the ultrasound screen, unaware of what a baby brother Undrrrrrei could mean for her life (He might terrorize her during Libby’s pregnancy). Nothing more to report here, other than the fact that Undrrrrei managed to drop the F bomb at least once during an ultrasound appointment. Looks like next week he’ll be dropping a few more when they have a therapy session with the whole Potthast clan.

Angela & Mykal??:
Ang woke up in her hotel room looking disheveled, as she picked up the phone to call her friend and travel companion, Rene. Rene was shocked to see Angela was not alone in her bed, as she moved the camera over to reveal Mykal next to her under the covers in his highlighter yellow t-shirt. Apparently after Angela had left Mykal at the restaurant, he had followed her back to the hotel room to reunite biblically. Mykal seemed to be more receptive of Meemaw’s makeover, as she explicitly discussed the details of their reunion. They seemed to have made up for the time being, based on Mykal’s promise that he would remove his Instagram account. After Mykal had his way with his wife, he sat her down the next morning to deliver the blow that he actually had no intention of deleting his social media, but promised not to flirt with other women. Needless to say Angela was back on a rampage, feeling like she was being used for pleasure, and grabbed her smokes as she headed back to the hotel alone, crying. Mykal followed her back to the hotel, thinking there was still a way he could smooth-talk his way back into Angela’s good graces. She refused to hear him out, hoarse from the previous day’s yelling, and paraded out of the room. Friend Rene was downstairs in the lobby wearing her leopard print outfit since she was in Africa-mode, as she tried to talk some sense into Mykal. He tried explaining he would like his independence, while Rene tried to lay out the insecurities Meemaw had been feeling due to the distance. Will Mykal be able to sweet talk her back in the sack, or will he get a cigarette-scented ponytail slap in the face? I guess we’ll find out next week..
What you write about each couple is funny, but you always have the most hysterical things to say about Jenny and Sumit. He has so many funny names. Kudos to you.
Fabulous! Thank you!