Category Archives: New Before the 90 Days Season 6

Before the 90- SUNDAY Season; S6, EP 8

Statler & Dempsey: After their awkward street corner meeting, Stempsey headed back to their hotel room, complimenting each other all the while. In Between the moments of flattery there were long bouts of extreme awkward silence, mostly due to nerves, but also just personality. Back at the hotel, Statler gave Dempsey the grand tour of […]

(SUNDAYS) Before the 90 Days Of Our Lives; S6, EP7

Statler & Dempsey: Statler was on her way to jolly old England to finally meet Dempsey (She should’ve gotten a 2 for one deal on flights with Christian… he could’ve had an equally awkward drinking partner). Unfortunately Dempsey somehow missed her flight home from her vacation in Thailand, leaving Statler to her own devices (which […]

Before the 90 Days; S6, EP5

Meisha & Neeeeee-colaaaaa (Said like the “Ricola” commercial): Back in the holy land…(and the extremely unholy mess of a hotel room)..Nicola was pretending to sneak over to Meisha’s side of the room to wake her up. She acted startled, sitting up after a good night’s sleep with a full face of makeup and the perfect […]

Before the 90 Days; S6, EP 3

Amanda & Razvan:  The newly formed couple woke up after their first night together still seemingly in an awkward spot. Judging by Razvan’s throbbing hickey, it looked like Amanda loosed up just enough to have some physical contact, though they did not yet consummate their relationship. Razvan danced around in his tiny white underoos, while […]

Before the 90 Days; S6, EP 2

Gino & Jasmine: Back in his homeland (Canton, Michigan), Gino was “Funiculi Funicula”-ing with his Uncle Marco and cousins, making an authentic Italian cuisine. As they sat around the dinner table, the family took turns roasting Gino on his ridiculous vacation-wear before segueing to discuss his relationship with Jasmine. Uncle Marco was curious to know […]

Before the 90 Days; S6 EP 1

I have to say that of all the iterations of “90 Days”, “Before” is my absolute favorite. It’s generally the most ridiculous and entertaining, and I’m hoping Season 6 doesn’t disappoint.That being said…. Settle in, gentle readers…. Here goes episode 1. Amanda & Razvan: Amanda is a 31 year old single mother from Louisiana, currently […]