Amanda & Razvan:
The newly formed couple woke up after their first night together still seemingly in an awkward spot. Judging by Razvan’s throbbing hickey, it looked like Amanda loosed up just enough to have some physical contact, though they did not yet consummate their relationship. Razvan danced around in his tiny white underoos, while mocking Amanda for wearing socks at all times. It seemed the two had established a playful banter (though Amanda could really work on her delivery… she was trying so hard to be sarcastic and funny but came across as cold and bossy). Razvan did seem to genuinely be concerned with making sure Amanda was comfortable, since this was her first time being with a man since the loss of her husband.
For their first full day together, Razvan took Amanda on a tour of “Old town”, which, as the name suggests… is a rather old town. On the car ride to see old things in the old place, Amanda explained that she received a call from her young son who happened to blurt out “My Dada died”. This triggered her emotions, causing her to realize that maybe it was a little too soon since losing her husband to voyage for Romanian Romance (here’s your late pass, Amander). Razvan tried to calm her nerves, reassuring her that the children are fine, and that coming to visit was giving them a chance to develop their relationship. Amanda even suggested she should end the trip early, but Razvan tried to convince her everything would be fine.
As they toured the city, hand in hand, they stopped to have a romantic lunch by the water. Razvan reached into his pocket, making Amanda momentarily nervous that he was going to propose, only to pull out a key to his house. The two laughed it off, as Razvan continued by telling Amanda he was planning to come to the US the month after she returned on a tourist Visa so they could be together. The idea of him visiting her at home sent her into a panic, worrying that it was too soon for her kids to meet him. Though he was trying to be sensitive to her concerns, Razvan couldn’t help but feel hurt thinking Amanda didn’t want Razvan-claus coming to town. She tried to explain that she worries about her kids and how they are coping with everything (and she worried about that from Romania. While coming across as cold and harsh).

Meisha & Nicola:
Meisha is a beautiful 43 year old former journalist from Minnesota. One day while routinely vacuuming her living room, she had some kind of “religious enlightenment”, and from that moment on decided to dedicate her life to becoming a devout Catholic (she must’ve been using a Dyson…). Meisha quit her job in the spotlight and instead went to work at a Roman Catholic church. Before her religious cleaning experience all began, Meisha was previously married to a Swedish guy whom she had 2 daughters with and eventually divorced. After the break up, she partied hard and was a hot commodity on the dating scene, until she became occupied with religion. She went online seeking spiritual guidance, where she came across Nicola, a 46 year old man from Israel.
Unlike Meisha, Nicola seems to have lived a much more sheltered life. He introduced himself while screaming at his mother/roommate, who is hard of hearing. He explained his dedication to his religion is all consuming, and he mostly sits on his Catholic prayer website (He’s J.C.’s P.R. guy), in between prayer sessions. Nicola explained that his ties to religion mostly came from his grandmother who was a nun (but apparently didn’t understand the assignment). He was shocked to have met someone like Meisha online, as he helped guide and teach her more about her faith. The two had been talking via the internet for 7 years without meeting, but are excited to finally be together in person.
Meisha met up with her sister Taylor (who had equally good genes and Botox), to discuss her upcoming trip. Meisha brought up her concern that Nicola is a 46 year old virgin, and has only had one semi-serious relationship sixteen years ago. Though her sister tried to convince her to wait until Nicola could come to the US to make any serious commitments in their relationship, Meisha is pretty sure everything will work out as she and God planned (she must’ve seen a premonition while windexing the coffee table).
Next we saw Nicola going fishing with his friend Wasim, who is also a self proclaimed “rosary warrior”. Wasim stated the obvious, that Meisha is clearly out of Nicola’s league, especially since he is broke, lives with his mother, and is a 46 year old virgin. Nicola did seem nervous that he was going to be with someone who was divorced and not also a 40-something year old virgin, worried that his mother wouldn’t be accepting (But he could just say “NO MA, I SAID “SHE LIKES TO RIDE HORSE” NOT “SHE GOT DIVORCE”….unless Meisha brings Sonic Ears as a welcome gift..)
Back in Minnesota, Meisha was busy putting saints on her cat’s collar as she stopped to video call Nicola. She mentioned that she had an appointment scheduled with the archdiocese to try and get her previous marriage annulled so she would be divorced in the eyes of God, and free to remarry. Then Meisha went on to pack for her trip, using her two beautiful daughters Morea and Svea as her fashion consultants. She discussed her potential marriage to Nicola, which definitely weirded out her daughters in a lot of ways. They were glad their mother had found happiness with someone, but were concerned that Nicola would judge their lives, being that they don’t consider themselves religious (guess they don’t clean much). Though Meisha is firm in her convictions, she also believed her daughters should be accepted however they are, and not judged. It will truly be a divine miracle if this relationship works out.

Tyray & Carmella??:
Tyray met up with his sister to go over the whole Carmella debacle once again. Sister Tyray told him that they needed to do a reverse search on Carmella’s pictures to see if anything came up. Fortunately for Tyray’s optimism, the search yielded nothing, meaning there was a small fleeting chance that his online love might be real. The producers came over to give Tyray the option to read a text message sent by Christian (aka Carmella). Whoever Carmella may be, they wrote that they were indeed using Tyray for money but also managed to fall in love with him. Though this person fell in love, they stated they weren’t able to be with him, for unknown reasons. Tyray felt a bit relieved hearing that this mystery person behind the Carmella avatar did care for him, but wanted to learn the truth. His sister, on the other hand, felt it was clear that Tyray was being used, and worried that The-Scammer-Formerly-Known-As Carmella might make contact with him to squeeze out whatever cash they could. And she’s probably right on that one…

Gino & Jasmine:
Jasmine and Gino were still in the cab on the way back to the hotel, with Jasmine flaunting her “mountainous terrain” inappropriately to Gino, making him awkwardly giggle. As they arrived at the lavish $3000/month apartment, Jasmine gave Gino the tour, trying to prove that the apartment’s beautiful views and subtle decor are worth the expensive price tag. The last stop on the tour was the bed, where she asked him to lay down, while clawing at his face with her 4” acrylic talons. Jasmine did everything she could to try and entice him, but Gino seemed terrified of her aggressive tactics and pretended to be asleep. He told the production crew that he was very turned off by Jasmine’s constant demands and extreme spending habits. Jasmine, on the other hand, felt hurt and rejected, leaving her “Papi” to take a pretend nap so she could plan her next crazy move.
Jasmine’s little froofy white dog wearing clothing rubbed up against Gino as he napped (as Jasmine held back jealousy). She woke up “Papi” to apologize for making him feel uncomfortable and suggest they make up over dinner preparations. Gino shuffled into the $3000/month kitchen to play the role of sous chef, but was thrown off when he wasn’t given the proper kitchen equipment to perform his assigned tasks. Jasmine asked that he peel a potato using a chopping knife, as Gino sat blinking, repeating that he couldn’t do his job without a vegetable peeler. Jasmine came over and peeled the vegetables with the knife for him, as he sat there trying to stand firm in his decision to remain useless. Jasmine explained that she was lacking utensils since her stuff was all in storage and the apartment came fully stocked…..without a vegetable peeler, apparently (the rent should now go down to $2999/month).
The fighting escalated, as Jasmine began to ugly-cry, causing Gino’s hands to shake. He was trying hard to stand his ground and not let Jasmine walk all over him….. Which could have been useful in almost any other scenario. Jasmine tried to apologize to Gino, realizing they are both very different personalities, and tried to let him have some alone time to rest, since he had slept for hours on the plane ride over. Gino changed into his “sleeping hat” (a baseball cap) as he settled down on the bed. Jasmine tried very hard to be understanding, but was scared realizing that this was just a snapshot of how things would be when they would live together in the U.S. Feeling a bit defeated, she went into the kitchen area to eat a boiled potato, as her hair frizzed with frustration. (I think I’m going to make a documentary about Gino and call it “From day hat to night hat; The Gino E True Hollywood Story).

Riley & Violet:
For those of you who don’t come to my Tuesday night Facebook Lives, I guess I should just let you know that I am 99.5% NOT a fan of Riley (It’s 90 Day.. You have to use percentages). Something about this guy just screams “super creep”, and I dread recapping his segments because I feel very biased. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s my first opinion. That being said…
Riley (blech!) finished packing up for his trip to Vietnam to meet his ladyfriend, Violet. He happened to be visiting during Violet’s birthday, so he brought her a pearl necklace set, which I suppose was a thoughtful gesture. Riley was picked up by his friend Alexa, who volunteered to give him a ride to the airport and watch his adorable pup, Mila. As they drove on, Riley told Alexa some details about his relationship, including how Violet had been communicating with his father to manipulate him by saying Riley had been mean to her. He also divulged the fact that he had hired a private investigator, which Alexa clearly noted was a pretty big red flag. Though deep down Riley knew there were a few negatives stacked against the relationship, he decided to press on and head to Vietnam to meet who he thinks is the love of his life.
Riley journeyed through multiple layovers before finally getting ready to board his final flight to Vietnam. He met an older gentleman in the airport who was also on a love journey to meet his girlfriend in Thailand…I’m sure they had a lot to chat about. Eventually it was time for Riley to board his flight, as he put on some kind of virtual reality glasses and settled in for the long ride.
Meanwhile in Vietnam..
We got to meet Violet, who was strutting her stuff through the marketplace in Ho Chi Mon City wearing cut off shorts. Violet is a math teacher by trade, and the mother of two teenage daughters. She explained her divorce after 15 years of marriage was due to her husband not being able to support her emotionally or financially. Violet found that being strong and independent was a little too much for most Vietnamese ment, and this caused her to try out (say it with me now) an international dating app. She admitted she was initially attracted to Riley’s profile because of his adorable dog, and eventually grew to appreciate his sense of humor. As is with 90 Day tradition, Violet met up with her friends before Riley was to arrive to discuss their relationship. It happened to be Violet’s birthday, and she was just first letting her gal pals know she was seeing an American. She did tell them all about their fights, which were mostly caused by their joint stubborn attitudes. Violet says she likes to tease people, and will never admit she is wrong, which drives Riley crazy.
Will these two flip each other the bird upon first meeting? Can’t wait to see next week….except I can.
You are always Right on with your interpretation of 5be show. Always make laugh .
did anybody else think “how nasty” when Gino didn’t even take a shower & went nighty night in his cap and the same clothes he flew in on? He was being an idiot about not helping her with cutting the veggies, at least I thought so. they are going to be very entertaining or so it seems.
I noticed and thought it was gross too. And yes he is an idiot lol
A complete idiot!
riley is super creeps mcgee
I’ll probably get flack for saying this because we all know how real these people and the shows are so totally not 100% not fake but I wanted to fill people in who did not hear it the other 237 times in previous episodes that Amanda husband died of cancer. WE GET IT!!! Mr. Gorgeous American heart throb Gino has erection issues with someone as fit and fine as Jasmine because she nags him about money. Gino is such a goober that she probably touches him on the shoulders and he has an orgasm. There’s my moment if bitchy-ness. Lol
When he got on the bed with those dirty filthy Walmart sneakers from 1992 and She took them off and started rubbing his feet I almost puked. He is so gross & ugly I can’t take it. Also I dated a guy that had a 4 year old daughter. I really respected him b/c he made me wait 3 months to meet her. We still keep in touch.