This week began with the aftermath of Jasmine’s open marriage request. She cried, as the girls circled around to reassure her that she was still a queen, and definitely NOT a cheater, as Gino had claimed. They all piled into the vans to head back to the resort, with the group breaking up into the Gino van and the Jasmine van for the perfect “He said She said” car ride home. Gino claimed to his carload that Jasmine has been “working out” for 7 hours at the gym, which led him to believe she may be cheating. Jasmine in the other van maintained her innocence, crying, and saying she wanted to stay married to the Mad Hatter. Julia told Gino’s van that she had met the infamous Matt via Facetime, which really didn’t help Jasmine’s case. Stacey waited for a slight lull in the conversation to bring up her own drama, which had been overshadowed by Jasmine. She reminded everyone that Florian walked some drunken blonde girl home from the bar and back to her apartment.
Back at the hotel, Julia climbed into bed with Sophie and Rob the Knob, bright and early, to complain about Brandon. Stacey bunked up for the night with Darcey, as she needed the space to make a game plan for confronting Florian. She woke up (sans any empanadas) and went back to her room to start the interrogation. Florian denied any wrongdoings with the mystery drunken blonde woman (Who might have even been Darcey at this point, who knows).
In their hotel room, Jasmine questioned if Gino was up for going to their next pointless therapy session or ready to call it quits. She explained her “friendship” with Gym Matt in a bit more detail, trying to convince Gino that sleeping with him might be the only way to save the couple’s marriage.
The group gathered around outside for their weekly therapy nonsense. They were asked to name at least one thing they “trust” about their partner. Sophie claimed she trusted that Rob would take care of their “son” (aka, his own dog, who he had for years before they were together). Brandon felt confident that Julia does the right thing for their family, while Julia complimented his driving skills (You know Betty made him take driver’s ed, so really she deserves the credit). Slow-Flo trusts Stacey with everything, because he doesn’t like to think, while Stacey trusts that Florian is a great protector (Though the pencil arms suggest otherwise). Gino spoke first for the dwindling couplehood, claiming to trust that Jasmine genuinely loves him, and that she could light up a room (With or without a molotov cocktail, he didn’t specify). Jasmine smirked, as Natalie took her chance to tell everyone that she trusts that Josh is a genius, obviously looking to score brownie points (Which she did, but then lost points for having the crazy eyes) The couples went around discussing other areas of their relationships that could use improvement, each rehashing more of the same issues. Brandon got emotional hearing that Julia would consider seeing a doctor about her fertility, which I guess counteracted all of her deceitful announcements from the weeks prior. Natalie complained once again about never having gone to Josh’s house, but I mean…..I think he’s right on that one. Would you want her knowing where you lived and boiling a bunny in your kitchen?! Gino and Jasmine left the episode with a cliffhanger over the status of their marriage, with Gino seeming like he was slightly considering the open marriage as a way to stay together. I believe we only have one more episode until the Tell All, and I TRUST that we can make it. Barely.