90 Day Fiance; Season 11 Episode 3

Mark & Mina:

It was Mina’s first day in the US and she was feeling pretty bad about having to leave her son Clayton behind due to a complication with his passport. She and Mark called on video chat to reassure him that they would all reunite soon, though she herself wasn’t sure about the timeline. Mina cried realizing she may have to get married before her son could come to town.

Upon her first morning in the U.S., Mina got to cook her first American breakfast. She refrained from making homemade croissants and creme brulee, and instead opted to burn a piece of toast and undercook either hot dogs and/or sausage. She then fed the slop to poor Baby Maria, who sat in the living room at the coffee table, as Mark forgot to get her a high chair.

Being that they were clearly lacking supplies, the new family of three took a ride into town, making a pit stop at a convenient store with more than enough moose themed paraphernalia. Unfortunately the shop was fresh out of lamb chops and fresh mushrooms that Mina was hoping to purchase, which caused her to seriously question her new life in New Hampshire. Mark drove her next door to Massachusetts (Or “Mashashooshoo”, as Mina would say) where they stopped at a strange country home decor store. Mark was surprised at their lack of high chair selection, while Mina was starting to feel like she had the only baby in the state.
Back at the house, the family dined al fresco before baby Maria went to bed, and the couple had a chance to go in the hot tub alone. Though they started things off smiling with a glass of bubbly, things quickly took a turn, when Mark brought up his daughter’s concerns about Mina. She felt Mark’s daughter Jordan was a “snake”, trying to dictate their relationship, while being nice to her face. Mina got so mad she hopped out of the hot tub and took her extreme wedgie indoors, telling Mark he’d better sleep alone on one of his ugly couches.

Matt & Amani:

It was the big day that Matt and Amani were finally going to Mexico to reunite with their third party, Any. Amani cried after leaving her kids, feeling like pursuing a thrupple for two weeks might somehow put her in the “selfish mom” category. Nevertheless she felt it was necessary in order to vet their prospective third amiga. The two landed in Mexico and drove down to Guadalajara for a “Day of the Dead” festival to meet up with Any before heading off to her hometown.
Speaking of Any….we finally got to meet the 37 year old mother of three at her place of employment; The Tijuana strip club. Any explained her difficult life as a teen mom and her need to provide for her children by any means necessary (Which we now know includes thruppling). She was excited about her new three way relationship, as she enjoy the couple’s good looks and positive attitude. Any discussed her new life with a rather Shrek-like coworker, who did her best to seem interested and concerned. Looks like the three will finally reunite next week where I’m sure there will be no jealousy, drama, or issues…..

Greg & Joan:

Greg was excitedly prepping some food for the road as he was about to head out to pick up his fiance Joan from the airport. As he stirred and simmered, Mother Greg was marinating on the fact that her son was going to have a woman living in his bedroom, which still creeped her out. Greg headed over to JFK airport with a customized loaf of sourdough bread in hand that had “Joan” etched into the crust (Undoubtedly made with his crusty plumber finger nails…there’s not enough soap…..).

We finally got to meet Joan, right after the two reunited at the baggage claim, and she seemed shy, though happy to finally be together. Joan enjoyed her “to go” meal in the car on the long journey back to Long Island. The couple discussed their new living arrangements, with Greg bringing up his mother’s idea of separate quarters. Joan was upset, now feeling uncomfortable about meeting her new roommate.
They arrived at the house where Mother Greg and their dog, Daisy, were waiting for Joan’s big arrival. Joan seemed nervous, shyly greeting her future mother in law, as she took a brief tour of her new home. While Joan was in the shower, Greg had a little breakdown with his mom, feeling like he should have worked harder to have gotten his own place before importing a fiance. I’m sure if he unclogs a few more drains by removing loaves of sourdough, they’ll be homeowners in no time.

Stevi & Mahdi:

The couple seemed to have enjoyed their first night together stateside, with Mahdi now feeling like a “professional” 2 time champ in the love-making department. Stevi admitted she was a bit nervous that he would want to go home, since he mentioned it within 5 minutes of landing.
Luckily Mahdi was able to put aside his homesick blues so the two could go sightseeing around New Orleans. He stared in awe at the sights and sounds, which were all so new. Mahdi was smitten with his first bite of beignet, blown away by the recreational public dancing and singing, and could hardly believe the adult stores, which would all have been “Haram” back home. He seemed to be enjoying his first taste of freedom, but he still worried about any repercussions for his family should the government in Iran find out he was smiling at street buskers. Iran. Iran so far away….*Flock of Seagulls interlude* (They are also banned in Iran)

Shekinah & The Sarper Image:

Things just got a bit hotter, as Shekinah and Sarper were poolside this week, along with the Family Sarper. While Sarpie was off doing cannonballs with his niece, Shekinah had a chance to talk to his cousin/Sister-like figure, Fuson, about the big move. Fuson warned Shekinah that she would have her hands full in America, since Sarper wouldn’t be working and would most likely feel out of control (And we all know how much OCD boy loves his control…).
It was finally time for Sarper to say goodbye to his family, as they had a tearful exchange. S & S headed back for one last night at Sarper’s Playboy Palace (aka his dirty headboard apartment). Shekinah warned Sarper about being on his best behavior when he finally meets her daughter, Sophie, threatening to not get married if he doesn’t earn the stamp of approval. I have a plot twist; Let’s tell him that Sophie of “Rob the Knob” affiliation is Shekinah’s daughter and see if he makes any suggestive comments.

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