The Last Resort; Season 2 Episode 4:

After last week’s brush with death (aka Natalie giving Jasmine the death stare as they almost tore each other’s crazy faces off), Julia decided to try and make peace. She went outside to try and calm down Glen Close Jr., who was screaming as she rode off alone in a van. Inside the club, Sophie continued to talk smack about Nutalie, while Jasmine rewarded Gino for having her back during the big brawl. Back at the resort, Slow-Flo was busy helping Stacey roll away the cellulite on her legs, as he smiled his half-dead smile. Julia and Brandon weren’t doing as well, unfortunately, as they were still fighting over Julia’s “Striptease” tribute at the bar. Josh had to go back to the resort to face Natalie before heading out of town, which was perfectly timed.
The couples then headed for a pointless sex therapy exercise. The partners took turns tickling each other with a paintbrush, and marking the “good spots” with syrup. Ari ran her paintbrush over Bini’s body, smiling a cheesy smile as he told her he was not turned on by the exercise, and only got aroused when hearing “shoshul media passwords”. Flo-Ridah ran the paintbrush all over Stacey, who couldn’t feel a thing, due to all of her many surgeries, but still had her head in the game! Eyes on the prize! Girl Boss! HouseOf11! Jasmine seemed to be enjoying Gino’s “Bob Ross” rendition, especially after the second assignment; Licking off the syrup. Gino took his job seriously, giving Jasmine more action than she’d seen in months. Sophie seemed repulsed to lick the syrupy spots, while Bini preferred a baby wipe to having to have human contact with Ari (Unless she wrote his Shoshul mediuh passwords in the syrup).
Since Josh took off for the week, Natalie was left alone to meet up with one of the therapists (Though she could have used a small army). They seemed to have a small breakthrough as Natalie admitted her psychotic issues started in grade school, when some mean girl put gum in her frizzy hair. How that set her up for a life of hearing voices and becoming a bunny boiler, I’ll never understand..
The next pointless sex game was “yes, no, maybe”, where the couples admitted their true feelings about various sexual fantasies. Jasmine wants to have sex with a third party that’s not Gino, which bothered him more than turned him on. Previews for next week show Gino in his backwards hat, where he become “Bad boy Gene”, who drinks like a frat boy and hates Jasmine more than everyone.

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