Brian & Ingrid:
After last week’s throw down in the bedroom, Ingrid got to tell her side of the story. She explained to production that she didn’t want to “go all the way” with Brian without a condom (Most likely because he lied about his age, origin of his disability, and possibility that he could be like Leaky Loren), when he aggressively attempted to mouth her like a rottweiler. Ingrid denied him access, feeling like that move was a bit too intimate, especially since their relationship was off to a rocky start. Once she denied his oral advances, Brian got angry and wheeled off in a huff (It doesn’t have the same effect as stomping off in a fit of rage, but it gets the point across, especially if there are screeching tire noises. Always gets everyone’s attention).
Back at a bar somewhere, Brian sat and facetimed his sister to discuss his latest relationship snafu. Sister Brian informed him that Ingrid was not alone in her decision to deny the aggressive tongue lashing, as many women, including herself, feel the same way. Brian pulled a “Gee, I never thought of it that way” comment out like he had gotten a lecture from the father on the Brady Bunch, and decided to reach out to Ingrid once again.
Feeling like she didn’t want to end things on a bad note, Ingrid agreed to meet back up with therolling thunder who tried to go down under. They discussed their awkward encounter, and Brian kinda sorta apologized, but still expected Ingrid to justify why she didn’t want Brain downtown. He pretended to cry, which earned him yet another chance, and now they’re going on vacation. Can’t wait to see him screw things up in a more tropical setting.

Niles & Matilda:
It was the couples’ last day in the big city, and Niles felt it was finally time to let Matilda know the wedding had to be postponed. He decided to take her to the most romantic location in Ghana, aka the memorial to Ghana’s first president (Nothing like a statue of a founding father to set the mood for romance!). He had her read his “List of Maxims”,(which is his quirky rules to live by, and not just 10 issues of “Maxim”, as I had initially thought) which left Matilda looking puzzled. Nile uncomfortably read off all of his do’s and don’t that shape his life philosophies, before deciding to cut to the chase and pull out the ring. Matilda was genuinely shocked and elated, as she slipped the bargain basement golden band onto her finger and accepted.
Later that night Niles took Matilda out on a date to a loud restaurant, where he wore ear buds in an attempt to curb all of the noise that was making his head feel like it was going to explode. As the two sat together in what looked to be steamy outside seating, he finally worked up the nerve to mention postponing the wedding. Matilda was speechless, feeling foolish and upset, since she had told everyone in her village she was getting married. She eventually walked off (In her $80 skirt), leaving Niles alone at the table, blinking, and wondering what Maxim had led him to this moment.

Sunny & OyVeyHa:
It was the couple’s first morning together, and they awoke smiling and far more comfortable than when they had first met. Although they hadn’t really sealed the deal the first night, Sunny did feel up her “chicken legs” (And he knows what chicken legs feel like, being that he cooked them and she wouldn’t even eat them). While Sunnny ran out to get a cup of chai, VeyHa decided to video chat with Ex boyfriend Rory (Who may or may not be still waiting at the airport, or in the hotel room closet. Not sure). She claimed to be so worried about telling Sunny of her “plus 1”, which was completely pointless in the first place. Later on we saw Sunny and Veah take a romantic gondola ride around the city, where they seemed to be getting along well and enjoying each other’s company. Of course that only lasted until the commercial break, when Sunny “accidentally” saw a photo of VeyHaha traveling with her ex boyfriend on the plane, and lost his mind. He screamed at her, confused like the rest of us as to why she would sneak her ex boyfriend over to his country, and not tell him. Veah semi apologized, while also trying to explain that he was an emotional support ex that she was using to curb her anxiety while flying. They eventually got into a cab where the awkward fighting continued. Veah smirked as she tried to defend herself, as they finally reached the hotel.
Sunny grabbed his nasty chicken and whatever weird sex toys he brought and hightailed it out of there, leaving Veah to fake cry in her weird shirt tucked under her bra. Sunny felt like there was no hope for the relationship since Veah brought her ex, which I still don’t fully understand. Veah texted him to come back, already beginning to feel the separation anxiety, unlike Sunny’s eyebrows, who apparently NEVER experience separation anxiety….
Vanja & Bozo:
It seems that Vanja hit a bit of a snag in her travel plans, as her first flight was delayed, causing her to miss her connecting flight to Croatia. She was now going to have to run across the entire airport in her stripper heels if she was going to make it, and wasn’t even sure if Bozo would be waiting for her, in his giant clown shoes… Meanwhile, back in the old country, we finally got to meet Bozo, shootin’ some b-ball outside of the school. He fancies himself to be a real jokester, much like his namesake. Bozo explained he had previously been in a 6 year relationship, where the girl could not handle the demands of his basketball schedule, eventually deciding to leave him. Ever since he had been single and living his life as the town Bozo, yucking it up with the locals and not doing much else. He lives at home with his mom and aunt, who were the Croatian version of Patty and Selma from The Simpsons, constantly praying that he’d meet a woman and move out so they could watch Matlock in peace. Bozo didn’t tell them about Vanja yet, as he feared his mom would jump into wedding planning mode, and put way too much pressure on the relationship.
After a morning at church with his mom, Bozo felt like it was finally time to let his mom know there was a woman on the way. She thanked all of her lucky stars, but worried that this mystery woman would be put off that Bozo didn’t have a job. He revealed to everyone that he had kind of skimmed over the whole “job” thing with Vanja, playing up his YMCA rec basketball games as his full time “job”. Of course Vanja can just give him one of her 6 jobs…. (Hopefully she picks belly dancing).

Leaky Loren & Faith:
Loren was preparing for the trip back to Faith’s hometown, determined to regain his “boyfriend” status. Faith seemed to be letting her guard down a bit, as the two boarded their flight and finally landed in the town of “BayBay” (It was named by Britney Spears). As they rode in the cab towards the hotel, Faith learned another new and interesting fact about Loren, that he also liked to “catch” instead of “pitch”. She of course saw this as a bit of an issue, since she was a very well known catcher herself. (Just usually not with a leaky ball….or bat). Once they reached the hotel, Faith made sure to get separate rooms, as she was still trying to stay mad at Loren for Gonorrheaing around.
The next day the two went for a tour of the town, where Loren attempted to get back into Faith’s good graces. He tried to sell her false hopes that he’d be able to save up $2000 to buy her family a house where they could all live, laugh, and leak together. Faith seemed interested in the idea, though stayed quiet, trying to really make her leaky loveboy work for it. They then headed out on a boat to a private island, with Faith fighting Loren’s attempts to perform the infamous “” boat move, and steal a kiss on her ear (Smooth move, Faith. Nobody’s got time for ear gonorrhea). Though she attempted to keep boundaries in place, it seems that Faith is on the gone-er (As in… will possibly be susceptible to gonorrhea any day now) .

Tigerlily & Adenoids:
It was the couples’ last day together, as Tigerlily probably spent 5 hours packing up her things and brushing her hair to head home to the US. T-Lilly sobbed at the thought of saying goodbye to her new husband. They had a tearful goodbye at the airport before Tigerlily finally joined her glamsquad for the long journey home. I assume she had them brush her hair the whole plane ride home.
Brilliant, amazing as usual. Thank you 😄