90 Day Fiancé; The OTHER Way, Season 6 Episode 13

Sean & Me……and Joanne:

After breaking the news last week that the couple had been married for 2 years in secret, Joanne checked in privately with her sons to see how they were processing having a very attractive stepfather. Her youngest son Jesse asked the obvious; Where did she plan on living?? Joanne suggested that she live in Ireland, making sure to come home for 3 weeks at a time to live with her kids, and of course still maintaining her same living situation on Long Island (Because apparently Joanne is independently wealthy. It might be a long island, but it is not a cheap island). The kids were still in shock-mode, unable to fully swallow the life altering information (Though they have eyes, and could understand why their mother did what she did).

Next it was Sean’s turn to discuss the news with Bella Rose, which went better than expected. Apparently Bella Rose was a fan of Joanne’s, and didn’t mind the idea of her moving into the family compound. Back in her own room, Friend Noelle tattletaled to Mother Joanne, who was very annoyed about the secret marriage and unsupportive of a potential move to Ireland. It’s ok, Mother Joanne… I’ll go in her place.

James & Metallica:

After one week of Indonesian living in the books, the couple headed to get James’s Visa so he could stay. James brought up the topic of work, as he realized that the banana chip bizz was not as lucrative as one would have thought (Especially after seeing Metata’s sprawling family mansion). He also broke the news that the couple would be unable to bring their dog JoJo over to Indonesia, out of the fear of a rabies outbreak. Both James and Metallica wept over leaving their dog behind, and worried how they would ever be able to afford to keep him in the US, especially since they were currently experiencing a banana chip deficit. They later went to a late night market to grab a delicious snack of flavored tapioca (Or tiny flavored snot rockets). James brought up the topic of possibly moving back to the US as a last resort. HakunaMaTaTa looked sad and frizzy as she expressed her desire to stay in Indonesia, especially since she hoped to raise a child there. James tried one last time to explain his reservations about reproducing, and felt the couple were complete without their own offspring. It seems as though this may be the dealbreaker in their relationship, since Metallica is determined to create more workers for the banana chip plantation.

Josh & Lilybot 3000:

Lily drove the two around in her pink interiored car, following Josh’s directions so he could attempt to surprise her with a fun date night. Josh picked a traditional Chinese dance class as the evening’s outing in the hopes that Lily would lighten up and be convinced that he loved her, (despite his hatred of the sound of her chewing). They both enjoyed seeing each other all dressed up in traditional garb, as they swayed and danced to the instructor’s directions. Things still seemed to be pretty tense between Josh and his robo-wife, but at least the dancing helped a little. Unfortunately as they inch closer to their Chinese wedding, things keep getting worse, as previews for next week reveal Brother Josh making his China debut just in time to witness another one of their many awkward fights.

Ingi & Corona Queens:

Back in Iceland… Corona decided to meet up with all 5 black people currently living in Iceland that she came across in a Facebook group. And what else would one wear to a fun meetup group but Spice Girl boots and a pink spiked dog harness. The group were surprisingly receptive to helping her acclimate to her new surroundings, despite her wardrobe choice, as they all took turns going over their own personal Icelandic journeys. The one common piece of advice they all gave was that Corona should try and learn the native language ASAP, which somehow she hadn’t really seemed to think was that important. Next we saw her head off to Ice-Ice-Baby School (That’s the Midwifery program there), to find out more about attending. Much to Corona’s surprise, she learned that the classes were taught exclusively in Icelandic, which means she would need to fluent in order to be accepted to the program. Corona explained her immediate shock in hearing about the school rules, and worried if she would be able to fulfill her Call of the Midwife dreams she so desperately wanted (Although I’m pretty sure women screaming during childbirth sounds the same in every language).

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