90 Day Fiance; Before the 90 Days- Season 7 Episode 1

Rayne & Chidi:

Rayne (pronounced like “Renee”) is a 37 year old chicken enthusiast from New Mexico. Though she owns many animals at her hacienda, she really feels a connection to her chickens, and swears they communicate daily. Besides squawking with the birds, she likes to spend her time with her two kids down on her ranch. Rayne has never had much luck in love, that is until she met “Chidi” from Nigeria. The two had been communicating for 5 years and looked forward to meeting for the first time in Nigeria. We also got to meet Chidi on his home turf (the “futball” or soccer field) as he went into the game totally blind. Literally, because Chidi is actually blind from a teenage tree-climbing experience involving an apple, and is now only able to see the occasional flash of light.

Chidi considers himself a devout Christian, praying with his braille bible daily. He discussed his hesitancy in telling Rayne he was blind upon their initial chatting phase, worried that the lady who talks to chickens might have thought there was something wrong with him. Fortunately Rayne felt even closer to Chidi after hearing of his vision impairment, mostly because she is next level self conscious, and thought it solidified that he was the right one.

Before her big trip, Rayne went to meet up with her mom and family friends for the obligatory “pre-trip” discussion. The Family-Friends Rayne felt that she was being a bit naive, not considering all of the potential issues that may arise from being with someone deeply religious who couldn’t see. Rayne admitted this was a bit of a quandary, as she does not consider herself to be a Chrsitian, and fully believes in aliens and the illuminati (I could always introduce her to Sam’s father from last season…. Consider me the new 90 Day matchmaker). Despite all of the nay-sayers, Rayne felt she would be able to help Chidi “see the light” (Metaphorically speaking) and insisted that their soulmate love will transcend all…..even the aliens.

Chidi prepared for Rayne’s arrival by praying overtime from the comforts of his sister’s home. Sister Chidi was looking forward to meeting her brother’s new love interest, and helped by setting up a guest bedroom where she could stay. Being a religious Christian, Chidi doesn’t believe in premarital sex- something he neglected to mention to Rayne. Can’t wait for next week when Rayne finds out that Chidi Chidi doesn’t Bang Bang.

Loren & Faith:

Loren is a 33 year old man with the haircut of a 12 year old boy who works hard at his job as a Drag Queen assistant. While he spends his professional life fetching discarded clothing items and props from the stage, he has a much more interesting private life. Apparently borin’ Loren from the outside, has a rather unique interest in dating women with male genitalia (If he also has a thing for French-Italian-American fake accents, I can slip him Cleo’s number from last season). He went on an *International Dating Site* that catered to his unique flavor and met Faith, a 30 year old trans woman from the Philippines. He planned to take a trip to finally meet Faith, and hoped the two would hit it off and live together on her home turf. Loren neglected to mention to his new lady-love that he was completely broke, couch surfing between his friends’ places (As chance would have it, being a drag queen stagehand is not as lucrative as one would think).

In order to gear up for the heat and cuisine of the Philippines, Loren spent a lot of time training in his friend’s bathroom by steaming up the mirror with three simultaneous boiling pots of soup on hot plates over a bowl of some kind of nasty shrimp, while running in place (Any minute now and this will be a new Olympic sport). He then took a spin on his moped to his boss’s house, where he tried on a Carmen Miranda-esque outfit for his video call with Faith. The Friends Loren let Faith know that she was his number one pick out of the many ladyboys that had hit him up on the dating app. Of course this was an issue for Faith, who tends to be on the jealous side, and had no idea about Loren’s side chats in the U.S. He planned to let her know once in the Philippines that he had no plans to be monogamous and would rather share his weird shrimp breath with other ladyboys in the region.

Loren and his bestie began the packing process, which was short and sweet, seeing as how he basically owns nothing but ill-fitting jeans. He packed a $50 engagement ring he had purchased for Faith from Walmart, as he jokingly discussed his “dating quiz” he likes to give to perspective ladyboys. I think Loren is shaping up to be one of the weirdest specimens we’ve had yet.

Tigerlily & Adnon:

Tigerlily is a 41 year old possible descendant of Darcey & Stacey who went through a horrible divorce. She explained feeling trapped in her previous relationship as a mother of 2, who lived a very financially comfortable life. Post divorce, she found herself enjoying many luxuries as well as living life on her own terms, especially when she came across a 22 year old male model from Jordan named Adnon. The two had been virtually inseparable (because they have only communicated via video chat) for the last 4 months, but planned on finally meeting in person.

Tigerlily made a quick trip to visit her life coach, Stephanie, to navigate the details of her upcoming trip. She admitted that this first time meetup also included a wedding, as the two already announced they wanted to be together forever and ever, and figured they’d seal the deal immediately so they could consummate the marriage. Stephanie tried to bring up the possible pitfalls of getting married to a complete stranger from across the world, especially since they had never discussed finances, prenups, etc. Tigerlily’s friends (And employees- Her esthetician, injector, hairstylist, and life coach…basically the “Fab 4”) decided to throw her a bachelorette party before her journey began. Two of her team members would be accompanying her to Jordan for her Big Fat Jordanian wedding that she had absolutely no part in planning. The crew tried to help her acknowledge that she was about to sign up for another controlling relationship after working so hard to free herself from the last one. Tigerlily felt that Adnon’s Muslim religion could cause him to have a few hangups about her wardrobe and whereabouts, but he’s like…super cute and stuff. Possibly storylines will include by not limit to; Covering up sexy outfits, Not being able to have children due to age, Controlling chauvinistic behavior, and a birkini or two, if we’re lucky.

Brian & Ingrid:

Brian is a 51 year old Uber driver from the Midwest who enjoys schmoozin’ and cruisin’. He chats up his patrons as he rolls along his routes, but the rolling doesn’t stop there. Brian is considered a quadriplegic after he was tragically shot during a carjacking, completely altering the course of his life. After his accident, he began playing roller rugby which led him to touring the world, but truly found his favorite location to be Brazil. Brian felt the Brazilian ladies were more accepting of his disabilities, and he had been able to date around a lot more than he did in the U.S. After a failed marriage and several failed relationships, he finally met Ingrid, a 32 year old single mom from Brazil who he had been speaking to for the past 2 years. Brian planned to travel to his favorite dating spot to finally meet his latest leading lady, who was a bit in the dark about the technical details of his condition.

Pre-trip, Brian met up with his Wheelchair Rugby teammates to discuss the logistics of a relationship from a wheelchair. He worried that Ingrid may have a hard time with his disability, especially when it comes to the bedroom. He and the crew went into detail discussing the downfalls of climax when in a wheelchair, which may cause an aneurysm (Seems like a fetish Loren may be into..) Brian worried that Ingrid was in no rush to tell her friends and family about their relationship, due to his disability. He hoped everything would come together (well..not in the aneurysm way) once they were together in person.

Later on we saw Brian’s daughter Briana help drive him to the airport to viva Brazil! (It’s Portuguese, Kenny… we’re not teaching you that one, I just don’t have it in me). She worried that her dad may be rushing into yet another relationship, much like he had done in the past with a random woman that may be using him for a free ride…… or money. Or Uber (So many ways that could apply). Looks like next week Brian will reveal a bit more insight to just how he and why he was “shot”, involving more of his backstory. What is up with this season?!?!?

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