90 Day Fiancé- Happily Ever After; Season 8 Tell All Part Four

Back in the bubbling cauldron of 90 Day stew…(aka the hot tub…) Rob and Sophie were front and center, fighting back and forth while using the other roomies as judge and jury. Sophie accused Rob of talking to other women behind her back, while Rob maintained his innocence, claiming only to be attracted to Sophie. He claimed that during their time to part, as a way of “being together”, he had sent her a “Mini Rob replica” based off of his own member for her to use to produce sexy content for him to enjoy. Sophie then went on to say Rob’s sex drive seems to only be “virtual”, as the two had been intimate once in the entire year. Jasmine chimed in, as this was her area of expertise, claiming that Gino also seems to enjoy other types of women online as opposed to her in real life. Once the attention went off of her and back onto Mr. & Mrs. The Knob, she asked everyone to leave and let her enjoy the hot tub. (I bet she peed in it). Back inside, the mediation continued, as Sophie pulled out her phone to pull up the receipts of Rob’s infidelity. She decided to call a life line in the form of Mother Claire to ask for the ehVUHdense (A video of Rob talking to another woman), but unfortunately came up empty handed. Rob walked off to sulk, and was oddly enough comforted by Manuel (Well, a translator for Manuel who was off camera conveniently …and I don’t think it was Kenny). The ladies all stood around listening to Sophie continue her case that Rob is attracted to muscular women as well as Latinas (aka Everything Sophie is not). Ed weeble-wobbled over to give his unnecessary opinion, as things kind of wound down for the night. The next morning the troops were shipped out back to the NYC studio to film yet another installment of the Tell All. Jasmine and Ed had a moment together, as she tried to passive-aggressively be nice to the Mucinex man. Sophie and Rob seemed to still be in the hot seat, as they decided not to sit next to each other on stage, since she was still mad over their hot tub tyraids. Shaun came on and started with The Knobs, who were getting far too much screen time already. They argued back and forth before Shaun realized that no one cared, so little that she thought people might actually be interested in Loren and Alexei (That’s a toss up…) They ran through a montage of their “journey” this season, showing Loren’s foggy post-op recovery, and ending with Alexei expressing his frustrations with the Mommy Makeover (especially since Loren looks exactly the same). The next 20 minutes were a blur of Loren welling up with emotion over her plastic surgery accomplishments, and the rest of the cast reprimanding Alexei for saying he would rather have Loren be a boss MOM than a boss bitch. After all of the beige blah-ness, a cold chill ran through the studio, as Angela and Mykol entered the chat. Ang seemed emotional, claiming to only have returned to set to support the other ladies, and not for Mykol. Kobe felt the need to speak up for a very deflated Mykol, feeling like Angela has been beating him down for years. Of course because he’s been trained into submission, Mykol asked Kobe to stay out of it, probably trying to prevent any Meemaw smackdowns. Things moved over to Ashley and Manuel, who discussed his disinterest in learning English and mucho trabajo (That’s work, Kenny). Ashley’s sister (who stopped wearing her blue contact lenses) and cousin stopped by with matching hairstyles to weigh in on the Manuel situation. Ashley admitted that her busy schedule of crystal readings and going to the gym caused her to take over a year to submit Manuel’s paperwork, rendering him useless (and extra greasy) all of this time. She also confronted him about pocketing some of the spare witchy earnings she gave him as allowance and saving it up for a rainy day when he wants to go back to his wife in Ecuador. The filming portion of Tell All concluded, as the cast were sent back to the green room to discuss green cards while stuffing their faces. Jasmine seemed to side with Manuel on the topic of being annoyed for the American counterpart to hurry up and fill out the paperwork. Overhearing this dig, Gino begged to differ, as the two inevitably argued thus ending their brief happy streak, almost like clockwork. Loren and Alexei made an appearance, but only to say their “goodbyes”, instead of going back to the mansion with the rest of the group. This seemed to annoy a few people, namely Thais, who felt the couple thought they were fake and above everyone else. Loren got a bit snarky, claiming that Sophie and Thais gave her “fake” hugs, as they left to go home to their kids, unlike Mother Asuelu, who doesn’t care about the kids. Looks like next week Mykol will finally get to share his side of the store (which must mean the production team has Angela duct taped to a desk chair somewhere in the back). ONE MORE PART TO GO!

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