Although his first real date didn’t work out the way that he had hoped, Tyray was taking it as a learning experience. Still in the Big Easy, he hit up a bar with his brothers where he mingled with the locals. There he met Raina, who was busy breaking it down on the dance floor and shvitzing with almost the same intensity as he was. The two seemed to click, and Tyray managed to score her number.
The next night Tyray and his brothers met up with Raina at a house party somewhere equally as sweaty as the night before. After downing a few drinks, Tyray worked up the courage to attempt to stop giggling and have a conversation. He was feeling so good that he asked for a kiss, and was allowed to drop one on her cheek.
Feeling lucky, Tyray invited Raina back to his hotel pool to cool off. Once poolside, they chatted away about such deep thoughts as cooking, their favorite animals, and relationship goals. Raina ran her mouth as she batted her oversized eyelashes, while Tyray looked on in awe. He worked up the courage to ask if she’d be interested in a long distance relationship, but unfortunately was let down gently. Though Raina claimed to feel immediately connected to Tyray, she wasn’t sure she was ready for a commitment after hanging out twice while incredibly sweaty. They had a platonic “goodbye”, as Tyray claimed to learn and grow, yet again. Maybe Mrs. Right is right around the corner….. In the air conditioning.

Natalie was still upset after the big breakup with Jush last week. She reflected on some of her life choices, and thought that at this point in life she already would have had a child. Natalie explained that she had lost a baby after a round of IVF with husband number 2, which sent her running to church, where she contemplated becoming a nun. Even the nuns felt she was a little too much, and so she went back out into the world looking for a baby daddy. Since she was getting older and unsure if she’d find someone willing to stare deeply forever into her crazy eyes, Natalie decided to take things into her own hands. She schlepped her mom to the fertility clinic to have a consultation (While driving the car Jush had helped her get, and I’m guessing withOUT the job at Jush’s cousin’s chiropractor’s office, though it was a hell of an interview!).
Natalie and her mother sat down with the fertility doctor to discuss her options. She went through a brief synopsis of her failed love life and advanced maternal age, and waited to hear what he had to say. The doctor explained she could use a sperm donor to produce her offspring, and set her up with his assistant, who showed her a donor list. Though Natalie was smitten by the adorable baby photos, Mother Natalie felt they should come with a husband, and wanted a catalog of those. Natalie thanked the fertility clinic staff for their time, but decided she’d be better off making a baby with someone a bit more….familiar. A bit more…..in tune with “the voods”. A bit more……Sasquatch of Squim. Cue Big Mike next week, coming in for the sperm donor talk!
I can’t wait…

Brother John:
A week after the Meagan trip fiasco, Brother John met up with Patrick and Thais for a little bowling. John brought up the fact that the dinner chat with Meagan really put a damper on his relationship, making her think that he was incapable of being a husband and (step)fath-ah. Since she had been back, Meagan had been distant, giving John time to think about what he really wanted. He explained to Patrick and Thais that he was most likely packing up his “Viva Las Vegas” t-shirt and trading it in for a “Don’t Mess With Texas” one instead.
John headed home to video chat with Meagan (in his awkward length dorky denim shorts). He let her know that he planned to move to San Antonio to prove that he was ready to take their relationship to the next level. Though Meagan was glad he had decided to move, she was still nervous about his ability to “adult”, after the negative feedback from Patrick and Thais. John did his best to convince her that he was ready to move forward, though previews for next week suggest the move was as “forward” as he was going, as a proposal was not in the “cahds”.

Miss Debbie:
Julian and Debbie were driving through Miami, discussing the date with Ruben the Cuban. Julian tried to downplay all of his mother’s positive remarks about her Cuban Cupid, but Debbie seemed to ignore his warnings. They arrived at an empty lot where Ruben was waiting for them, looking like a human incarnation of a rave. The activity of the day was “graffiti painting” ,which of course made Officer Julian nervous. He immediately began to interrogate Ruben, asking about his work history, intentions with Debbie, and criminal history. Julian seemed almost disappointed to hear that Ruben was an honorary Boy Scout, who didn’t drink, smoke, or steal….only hearts. Ruben took his line of questioning well, answering honestly and trying to keep things relatively light. Julian then spilled the beans about the whole Osama situation, including Debbie’s cougar status and impulsive decision to move to Morocco.
Debbie floated over with her can of spray paint to break up the conversation, and probably make sure that Ruben was okay. Hopefully Ruben wasn’t too put off by the Osama factor…. (He really didn’t have an “eye” for fashion, Ruben has nothing to worry about).